There are only two reasons a diet will work for you in terms of helping you to lose weight. One, it has you consuming fewer calories than you are burning. Two, it’s something that you can adhere to for a long enough period of time to see the changes you want. A “weight loss diet” no matter how it is dressed up or presented (keto, paleo, intermittent fasting, etc.) is merely a strategy to do one or both of these things. The first one is easy as a short-term approach. It’s when the second one also needs to happen that things get more difficult.
Your normal day-to-day diet should not just be about weight management. Your diet (the sum total of all the foods and beverages you consume day-to-day and week-to-week) really needs to also give you adequate energy, an optimum amount of nutrients, enough calories for proper metabolic function, and enough satiety or satisfaction that you are able to stay on it. Try to think of having a sustainable eating lifestyle more than a temporary diet strategy. This approach will not only help you look better but also feel better and generally live a healthier life!
Here Are 12 Diet Tips For You!
1.) Eat multiple servings of fresh fruits and vegetables each day. (7-9 is good, but 9-11 is even better!)
2.) Consume an adequate amount of protein each meal. (The more muscle you have the more protein you need.)
3.) Consume healthy fats from quality sources. (Healthy fats are critically important for optimum health.)
4.) Eat at regular intervals throughout the day to help maintain blood sugar balance. (Eating every 3-4 hours promotes reduced fat storage via overeating due to cravings from missed meals.)
5.) Balance your plate with protein, fats, and carbs at each meal.
6.) Avoid excess amounts of processed foods like refined sugars, hydrogenated oils, saturated fats, chemical preservatives, etc., and limit or eliminate potentially harmful substances like drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, etc.
7.) Don’t starve yourself! Just eat fewer calories than you burn over time to lose weight. (Food tracking helps!)
8.) Drink an adequate amount of clean, fresh water each day (At least 1 ounce per 2 pounds of bodyweight)
9.) Eat from a wide variety of nutrient-dense foods with the exception of foods you are sensitive or allergic to.
10.) Consume adequate fiber each day. (Proper elimination is important for detoxification and gut health)
11.) Fill your nutritional gaps with high-quality nutritional supplements as needed. (It is increasingly difficult for most people to get the optimum amount of nutrients from food alone for a variety of reasons.)
12.) Don’t look at food as bad or negative. (Food supplies nourishment and is a fuel source for a healthy life!)
Nutrition can seem complex but the key steps to improving your diet are actually pretty easy. Write down everything you eat and take a close look at it. See where you can make improvements and start trying to do better. Your body and your health will thank you in many ways!
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