Meet Kevin Myles


I can’t remember any point in my life that I wasn’t passionate about fitness.  For me, the journey started with a love of sports. There was nothing quite like the feeling of running, jumping, hitting, throwing, and just playing.  Fitness just clicked for me.  It made me feel better about myself and what I was capable of.  It was an empowering release from imagined limitations.  Striving to improve taught me that it was ok to not be perfect and that I could take control and direct where I wanted to go.  I learned the value of investing in myself and that all of us are important in ways that we may not initially see.  We all have gifts and powers and fitness helped me to discover what I was capable of and gave me an opportunity to share those things with others as well as help them bring out their own special abilities.  I discovered that following a fitness lifestyle is one of the most important and positive things you can do for yourself and for the people in your life.

I also had a fascination with getting stronger and building muscles just for its own sake, as well as to help me become a better athlete. This led to my discovery of weight training, bodybuilding and fitness sports in general. On a journey that has lasted over 40 years, I’ve been fortunate enough to work with some amazing coaches and athletes and I’m excited to share with you many of the things I’ve learned.

When I first became involved with fitness, training, and nutrition information had to be pursued diligently. In college, I spent an additional 2 years after I earned my degree studying courses simply to support my desire to learn more about the body and how it worked. Courses in nutrition, biology, organic and inorganic chemistry, physics, anatomy, exercise physiology, human genetics, and athletic training were all completed. I then spent the next six years working in a high-end health food store and doing personal training. From there I was recruited by Gold’s Gym and spent the next 8 years working there as manager. While at Gold’s I became a multi-certified training and nutrition specialist and began coaching people for physique competitions. It was a hands-on, in-the-trenches environment where I could see the effects and results of every thinkable nutrition program and exercise regime, not just for a few weeks, but for several months and even years. It was a first-hand view of what worked and what didn’t, an immersion into the field testing of various techniques and approaches to fitness.

All this time my own training never stopped and I was able to participate in the competition side of physical display sports as a natural competitor, contest judge, trainer, and nutrition coach, and worked in the industry media as a writer and photographer.

I’m here to tell you the things that I’ve put to the test in my own training and that of my clients and associates that have been proven to work. Now we can pass on to you what has taken us years to learn. I’ve had the pleasure of coaching and training over 50 certified trainers and instructors and have always endeavored to not only teach them but to learn from them as well whenever possible. I’ve been fortunate enough to be involved with some of the best bodies and minds in the fitness industry. I am greatly looking forward to sharing with you some of what I’ve seen, learned and experienced.

Kevin Myles

Owner/Publisher of
Owner/Publisher – Bodysport University
Author – The Diet That Works!
Online Trainer, Nutritional Consultant, and Contest Prep Coach
Over 40 Years of Experience Working in the Fitness Industry

Certified Fitness Trainer
Certified Specialist in Performance Nutrition
Certified Physique Specialist
Certified Master Trainer

Creator/Publisher – Contest Prep Coaches Course
Creator/Publisher – Making Money With Fitness – How To Be A Fitness Entrepreneur
Creator/Publisher – Metabolic Burnout Course
Creator/Publisher – Physique Improvement Course

Former Editor in Chief and Assoc. Publisher – Bella Fit Magazine and FITLife Magazine
Former Manager Gold’s Gym San Jose-8 years
Former Training/Nutrition and Contest Prep Coach for Tanji Johnson’s Save Fitness Team
Former Nutrition/Supplement Specialist Walden Farms Natural Foods-6 years

Former Weight Training Supervisor/Personal Trainer – Cal State Chico Fitness Center
Former Fitness Advisor – Officer Candidate Program – San Jose Police Department
Former Nutrition Instructor – Xtreme Fitness Center, Campbell, CA
Former Multi-Sports Athlete and Competitive Natural Bodybuilder

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