Overcoming Chronic Pain – A New Course by Matt Peale!

At some point, most people will experience some degree of ongoing pain. Ironically it could be due to a regular pursuit of fitness activities, or from being too sedentary and not pursuing fitness enough. As beneficial as exercise can be, long-term training can cause a degree of wear and tear on the body. At the other end of the spectrum, not being fit opens up an even greater possibility of some type of physical problem developing. Along with those two scenarios, there can be issues with overuse or less than ideal positionings like sitting at a desk day-in and day-out. Either way, the end result is pain and discomfort that can affect the quality of life and keep us from doing the things we want and need to do.

Corrective Exercise Specialist and author of “The Athlete In The Game Of Life” Matt Peale has just launched a new online fitness education course that’s designed to help you eliminate the pain and discomfort that you are feeling. Matt’s course addresses the causes that lead to pain in the neck, back, knees, etc. with the goal of greatly improving or eliminating them altogether, and for some people preventing them from ever occurring in the first place. Recently Matt was kind enough to provide us with more details on his new course.

Bodysport: You just launched a brand new online education course called “Overcoming Chronic Pain Through Stretching and Strengthening”. Why was this important to you?

Matt: This past year created a need for people working from home, and even now doing hybrid hours, to find a better way than ibuprofen and Tylenol, to help them reduce pain from sitting long hours.  Workers and older adults who are sedentary think pain in their joints is normal, and it is not.  Medications only mask the cause.  My course addresses and fixes the cause with stretches and exercises anyone can do from their homes or in a gym setting.  Long hours at the computer are not going away.  To feel better about yourself and enjoy the active hobbies you do, the course is definitely a lifeline for more happiness.

Bodysport: What type of person can benefit from utilizing your course?

Matt: Anyone who is tired of being in pain or wants to improve their physical activities and active hobbies.  Even if you work out on your own or take lessons from a private golf or tennis coach, unless you have proper joint mobility, there is a limit to your improvements.  When you can’t extend your arm without pain during a tennis serve, get a full shoulder turn in your golf swing, activate your glutes properly in a squat, YouTube can’t help you the way my course can.  I designed it with the person required to sit all day specifically in mind.

Bodysport: Obviously you’ve worked with a lot of people who’ve experienced pain and discomfort for various reasons. I know everyone is different but what types of things have you seen in terms of people gaining benefit from taking steps to improve their situation?

Matt: The first thing I notice is my clients are happier because they can do the tasks they couldn’t do before because of the pain.  My client Neal enjoyed powerlifting in his late 40’s.  What he didn’t realize was the poor movement patterns and posture from his position sitting at his home office all day negatively affected his gym performance.  After putting him through my movement assessments and breaking down his “why”, he has better mobility, less pain, has dropped weight, and more active with his family.  He still lifts heavy, just in a more athletic way that reflects his new confidence and increased range of motion.

Bodysport: You’ve been doing a number of appearances and podcasts since you published your book in December. How’s that experience been for you?

Matt: Being interviewed is one of my favorite things to do!  I love sharing the information that can help people be comfortable acknowledging their situation and giving them an outlet to improve themselves.  Everyone I talk with on the air or on their show comes away with a new understanding and a new friendship.  My goal is to connect with the host and their audience simultaneously, this helps me build relationships with people I never would’ve met otherwise.  Life is better with positive people in your life.  From a marketing standpoint, this is one of the best ways to broadcast my message without spending a lot of money.  Now I’m a regular on the radio or podcasts in Alabama, Iowa, Colorado, Utah, and Washington.  If you look at each station and podcast’s reach, I’m heard every week or month in all 50 states!

Bodysport: If anyone wants to book you for an appearance, podcast, seminar, online training or coaching, etc. how would they reach you?

Matt: The best way is to email me at athleteinthegameoflife@gmail.com.  They can leave a message on my work line, 985-377-9892, if they prefer phone over email.

Bodysport: Where can people learn more about you, your new course, and your book?

Matt: The best way to learn about my book, courses, coaching programs, and media appearances is my website: mattpeale.com.  People can also follow me on Facebook @athleteinthegameoflife, Twitter @MattPeale, Linkedin @MatthewPeale.  My book is available on Amazon also if someone wants to order directly from there.  

Check Out: Overcoming Chronic Pain Through Stretching & Strengthening

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