Introducing Bodysport University – A specially created series of fitness courses designed to help you take yourself (or your clients) to the next level!
This is a multi-lesson course with over 30 videos and 4 seminars worth of information! It contains the best and most useful fitness advice for a wide variety of people, whether they’re just starting out, or a serious trainer working with their own clients. (Click Here For Detail)
This is an extremely detailed, 12 Lesson Course (with over 60 videos plus input from top industry pro competitors!) that will teach you how to get yourself and others ready for the stage. There is nothing else like this on the market! It covers every aspect off coaching and contest prep that you will need to start your journey as a physique sports prep coach or competitor. (Click Here For Details)
Metabolic Burnout Course- FREE
This is a FREE course that teaches you about a very important and damaging condition that has really become a problem in the competition and even mainstream fitness industry. Everyone who plans to step onstage, or simply wants to protect themselves from the potential dangers of incorrectly pursuing fitness goals, should get this course and learn about this 100 percent preventable issue. (Click Here For Detail)
This course is a scaled down, yet still comprehensive version of my original Contest Prep Coaches Course. This course will give you tons of valuable information to really help you become a great prep coach. It will also allow you to assess how advanced your knowledge level is, and whether or not you need any additional information. These are some things that I had to learn the hard way, through trial and error, over a number of years. This information will put you ahead of the game and save you valuable time! (Click Here For Details)
i am from Bangalore, India
will i get certification as contest prep coach after completing the exam?
how i get the certification digital or hard copy will send my address?
how is the exam patter?
how is exam online?
the price ($199) including all tax or any additonal charges?
Hi Anthony, sorry I am just seeing your message. You will get a digital certificate of completion that is printable. It is not a “certification” in the tradition sense as I wanted the initial focus to be on creating high level coaches from people really interested in being great coaches moreso than attracting people who take this course simply for a “certification”. As such there is no exam, although the course does track how many minutes/hours are spent within each lesson (so we have the option of turning it into certification/CEU course at a latter date and still crediting everyone who took it previously). The price is all inclusive with no additional charges. The $199 was actually a sales price, the regular price is $249 but if you want to get the course just message me and I will reset it back to $199 for you. Kevin Myles -Bodysport University Director