2012 US Men’s Gymnastics Olympian John Orozco has seen a lot more downs than up lately. After a nightmare performance in London, he worked had to return 4 years later and redeem himself in Rio. Injuries forced him out of the 2015 World Championships, making it unlikely that he would even be able to compete in the 2016 trials, let alone make the team. Worse than that, his biggest fan and supporter, his beloved mother passed away making for a nightmare year.
Against all odds, Orozco returned and earned what many considered to be that last available spot on the team. Then just as suddenly, a few days ago he suffered another major injury with a torn ACL so won’t be able to participate after all.
It would be easy to forget the triumphs when so much devastation continues to spring forward. It would be easy to stay down when getting up seems to lead to an even harder fall. But John Orozco’s story is one of a champion. He made two United States Olympic Teams! He became a role model of perseverance, determination, and courage. I refuse to see any of his efforts as having been a failure. I only see an All-American Olympic hero who’s made his country, and his mother, extremely proud!
(click video box and watch in youtube)
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