How To Pick A Trainer

If you ever find yourself in need of help to reach your fitness goals you may want to consider hiring a trainer. A good trainer can give you the information and instruction to make your fitness program a success. They can be a source of inspiration and accountability to get and keep you on the right track. If figuring things out on your own is frustrating or even preventing you from being successful, getting the right guidance could be the key factor.

With so many trainers to choose from out there, how do you make sure you get one that’s good for you? There are definitely some things to consider before you start handing over your hard earned money.

First you want to get some background information on anyone you are considering hiring. This could be provided by the trainer themselves or the gym they work for. You should also be able to interview them at least briefly to get a sense of how well you two can communicate with each other. Your trainer is someone you need to feel comfortable with. They will be there to assist you and should have your best interest at heart. It should be a professional working relationship based on mutual respect and expectations, and the commitment to you reaching your fitness goals.

Your trainer should have successfully completed at least a basic reputable certification. There needs to be some outside endorsement other than their own word that lets you know they have a certain level of competency. Yes, there are some extremely knowledgeable and capable people who do not have certifications that might be able to help you. But a certification shows that the individual is committed to being a professional and is willing to put themselves on the line to verify this. It will be easier finding the right help going with a professional trainer.

One particular “brand” of certification does not make anyone a better or worse trainer than someone else. I have personally trained and coached over 40 certified trainers and their knowledge and ability couldn’t be ranked by who certified them or even how many certifications they had. If possible, try to observe your prospective trainer working with clients. They shouldn’t have a problem with this if they are professional about what they are doing. Watch how they interact. Watch what style and manner of training they employ. Are they attentive and focused on what their client is doing or are they on their smartphone half the time? You should be able to tell rather quickly by how they conduct themselves if they are what you are looking for.

The person you choose to hire must possess a passion for helping and the ability to teach and work with you on the things you’d like to know. Their particular style or expertise needs to match your goals. Most trainers will have, at least, a general, basic knowledge of many fitness methods. But if you’re looking primarily to do specific things you need to have someone competent enough in those areas to help you.

Finally, try to make sure you are being offered their services at a fair price. Cheaper isn’t always better but more expensive doesn’t necessarily mean more knowledgeable either. Don’t pay for popularity if the services are subpar, and don’t hire someone that isn’t capable just because they offer a “great deal”. This is an investment in yourself and your health. You should be able to come away with information and motivation that you can utilize indefinitely. By getting the best person for you, you will ensure that the value is worth the cost.

Not everyone wants or needs to work with a trainer or coach. But for many people, having a knowledgable, capable, and supportive addition to your fitness team can make all the difference.

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