Tips For Working Out At Home!

It can be easy to forget after years of working out in modern, well-equipped gyms that our fitness success isn’t primarily based on location. For many people, working out at home was how they started their fitness journey. Recently, many faithful gym-goers found themselves scrambling to recover from the sudden and indefinite closers of their usual favorite place. This does not have to completely derail your fitness plans.

I definitely consider myself a devout “gym guy”, even after decades of training. That being said, at least once a week I train at home just for a change of pace. There are some important keys to making your home workouts effective. With so many of us currently having no other option, I’d like to offer a few tips to help make your home training a success.

Attitude: It is critically important that you approach your training with a positive attitude. This is an opportunity to improve your fitness and health. This is your chance to get better. Don’t get caught up in not being able to go to your normal gym, or not having the perfect set-up. Think in terms of what you can and will do. Focus as much as possible on the positive. You have a great opportunity to make something good happen for yourself. Take control of your ability to succeed with an optimistic focus.

Equipment: Take inventory of what you actually have available. This will obviously affect your workout and specific exercise options. Even with little or no equipment, there are still a lot of things you can do to make sure you have a great workout. If you decide you need more and can get more, then do so. But in the meantime, try to focus primarily on what you can do and what you do have as opposed to what you can’t do and what you don’t have.

Here is a list of exercises and/or movements that require little or no equipment that you can incorporate and combine to be a part of an effective workout; air squats, wall sit and holds, push-ups, sit-ups, planks, jumping jacks, marching-in-place, sprinting-in-place, mountain climbers, shadow boxing, pop-squats, vertical jumps, side hops, leg raises, stretching, various yoga positions, chair dips, pull-ups, lunges, walking lunges, hip thrust, one leg hip thrust, good mornings, alternate toe touches, push-up position plank holds, thrusters, etc.

Programming: First ask yourself, what are you trying to do? Then select movements or exercises based on those goals and your options. If you’re looking for cardio conditioning, there are plenty of ways to get your heart rate up, including resistance or weight work with either higher repetitions and/or shorter rest periods between sets or exercises.

If you are more focused on strength and muscle development, you will need to incorporate resistance in the form of weights. bands, your own body weight, or other items (like gallon bottles of water) to properly challenge the muscles to cause them to adapt.

If your main goal is weight-loss then you simply need to have adequate activity (along with a proper diet) to increase your caloric expenditure as well as to fuel your metabolism.

Plan And Keep It Simple: At least initially, don’t try to get too elaborate. Do things that you know you can do and focus on doing them well. Also, have a set plan. It will be frustrating if you get in the middle of your workout then get stuck because you don’t know what to do next. Make and follow a “script”. You can always add to it if it winds up not being challenging enough, but I think you’ll be surprised how you feel once you get started. Your body can’t see your surroundings and will only respond to what it feels.

Evaluate And Upgrade: After you’ve completed your first workout, make an assessment. Was it too long or too short? Was it too hard or not hard enough? Are there some things you tried that didn’t work, or some other things you want to add in? Did you get any muscle soreness? Did your heart rate elevate when it should have? Is there any way you could make it just a bit better? By asking yourself these questions you will keep evolving your workout so that it matches your needs. If you decide that you want or need improvements, look to add in any needed exercises, equipment, and/or training techniques that will make this happen. You definitely have more options than limits!

Recommended Basic Home Equipment: Adjustable Dumbbells or Resistance Bands, plus a quality mat (can use a towel), stability ball, or bench.

There’s an infinite number of movements you can do with these including; overhead press, curls – (alternate, seated, concentration, etc.) lateral raises, bent over laterals, front raises, one or two arm rows, stiff-leg deadlifts, goblet squats, sumo squats, walking lunges, push press, thrusters, bench press or stability ball chest press, wall-ball squats, triceps extension (standing and lying, one or both arm) DB or band kickbacks, leg kickbacks and adductor/abductor work using bands, weighted hip thrust, etc.

Other Key Factors: Beyond getting in regular workouts, there are of course other key tips to creating fitness success. Make sure you give proper attention to the following:

  1. Get plenty of sleep. A good night’s sleep is critical to both good health and fitness success.
  2. Drink plenty of pure water each day (shoot for 1 oz. for every 2 pounds of body-weight)
  3. Eat plenty of quality foods. Try to limit processed foods and eat an adequate amount of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats (and again, plenty of water).
  4. Take only high-quality nutritional supplements to assure against any dietary nutritional deficiencies plus optimize the nutrients you need for health and immune system support.
  5. Be as stress-free as possible.
  6. Stay positive and faithful, help others when you can, and seek help when you need it.

Following a fitness-lifestyle isn’t important only in terms of how you look. It’s also about how you feel and how healthy you are. Use your home workouts as a tool for not just a better appearance, but also for better health, reduced stress, immune system support, and as a catalyst for improving many aspects of your life.

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