Fitness and Nutrition Information and Motivational Seminars
I have given over 50 seminars to date for various companies and organizations including; Gold’s Gym, KLA-Tencor, IBM, Hitachi, Intersill, Reynolds Electronics, San Jose PD, Extreme Fitness Center, Ernie Reyes TKD, Blendz, and Max Muscle Nutrition Stores to name a few. There are certain things successful people do that others don’t. Following the correct principles of diet and exercise is only part of the equation. Your ability to prioritize yourself and believe that you will reach your goals is also key. In my seminars, I will walk you through all of the important steps for success that you should take and can immediately put to use. Learn how the body really works and how to use this information to change yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally to achieve your highest goals.
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