Jenny Rodriguez – Fire And Ice!

There is a point in almost everyone’s life when there is a dramatic change.  A defining moment shifts us from the path of who we were, onto the road that leads to who we will become.  Often, it is subtle.  So subtle that it can only be seen in retrospect and viewed from the standpoint of time, distance, and a wiser continence.  Sometimes it is much more dramatic.  So much that one’s whole life has to be defined in multiple parts as before that day, and after.  For Jenny Rodriquez (pronounced “Yenny”) that day was March 14th, 1998.  She was involved in a head-on collision while driving in her native Iceland.  The accident tragically claimed someone’s life, and almost claimed hers as well. She spent a week in a coma, 3 months confined to a hospital bed, and then 6 months in a wheelchair.  It took months of multiple surgeries and rehabilitation before she defied the odds and became able to walk again.

The physical, mental, and emotional trauma helped mold and direct Jenny into the person she is today.  It was not a quick process and is not a completed journey.  But the woman who was born of this tragedy is someone that the girl who experienced it should be very proud to have become.  The effort involved in becoming who she is now; devoted wife, mother of two, trainer, coach, business owner, contest promoter, etc. is beyond what many would have been able to summon.  It is miraculous how far she has come.  She has taken the challenges and lessons from her journey to now be an inspiration and source of encouragement, support, and hope to others.

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Bodysport: Where are you from originally and where do you live now?

Jenny: I was born and raised in Iceland. I moved to Panama City, Florida where I live now when my husband got stationed here in 2005.

Bodysport: How did you get involved in fitness, were you always physically active?

Jenny: I was always active growing up, I was a country kid, played soccer, and ran track. I never was much of a gym person, I used to go to random classes here and there and do random machines in the weight room. 😀 But I was active and had a physically demanding job so I stayed in decent shape. Then after my accident, I needed to rebuild and add muscle so, with the help of a friend of mine who was a personal trainer, I started lifting weights and fell in love with it. Fitness became the thing that kept me going. I loved the changes I saw and it gave me the ability to do things that I didn’t think I could and I love being strong.

Bodysport: When and how did you first get into competing?

Jenny: I did my first show in October 2008, All Forces National Championships in Tampa, FL. I had been following Monica Brant and I wanted to see how far I could push myself, just wanted to see if I could do it. So I started working towards it and eventually signed up for the show. It was an amazing experience and I was hooked.

Bodysport: Can you tell us about your accident and how that affected you?

Jenny: My accident happened on March 14th, 1998. And it changed my life. I was on a selfish journey at that time, had become someone I’m not all too proud of when I was stopped in my tracks. We sometimes kid that since I’m so stubborn I needed something drastic to stop me 😀 😀

I got to see who the people around me really were, I got to see how lucky I was to have such amazing family and friends. For the months that I was in the hospital, I was never alone, I always had someone that was there checking up on me or to keep me company. It taught me that your attitude is everything and your mind is an amazing tool when you are trying to recover. It taught me that some battles can only be fought by you but having the support from friends and family can make a world of difference. And most of all it taught me that I am blessed and that I can handle anything life throws at me.

Bodysport: People so often think of fitness in terms of how they look. I’m guessing your experience expanded your perspective? Does this affect how you approach what you do now and/or how you approach working with clients?

Jenny: It definitely affects how my outlook is. Fitness for me isn’t an option, it’s a privilege and a must. If I don’t stay working out and moving I’m in pain. Of course some days it’s also the opposite and I have to scale back and relax but I believe it gives me a deeper understanding of people with chronic pain and injuries.

After spending so much time in physical therapy I’ve also become somewhat of a stickler for proper form as I have seen how important it is to have the whole kinetic chain working together. 😀 Bad knees will affect your hips which in turn will affect your lower back, which in turn can affect your shoulders and neck. It’s all connected.

On the other hand, it has also given me low tolerance for excuses. Tell me you can’t squat because you have bad knees or some other excuse and I’ll figure out if there is a way for you to do it. Of course, there are instances where people can’t but often people have bad form which is why they can’t do some exercises.

Bodysport: How long have you been a trainer/coach?

Jenny: I got certified in Sept 2009 and started working with clients shortly after that.

Bodysport: Tell us about your business and what types of service you offer.

Jenny: I have a business called GlacierBodies Fitness, I offer personal training, online training, nutrition guidance, competition prep guidance, and posing guidance. I train out of a local gym called Impact Fitness, that’s where I do most of my work as well as running a 1stPhorm supplement shop there.

Bodysport: Can you tell us about the Fire and Ice Classic and how did you get into contest promotion.

Jenny: As a big proponent of natural bodybuilding it was a dream of mine to promote a show in the future. So when Ray Flex, the head of One World United – Natural Bodybuilding Alliance, approached me in 2016 when he was looking for a promoter in Florida, I felt compelled to accept. Hard to say no to an opportunity like that when it’s being handed to you. 🙂  And since I come from the land of Fire and Ice (Iceland) the name was easy 🙂

Fire and Ice Classic had its debut in July 2017, it is the only natural bodybuilding show in town and I am happy to say that I’ll be bringing it back this year on July 21st. Last year went great and I got great feedback from people who attended both as competitors and spectators, so I’m excited to bring it back and plan on growing it each year. has online registration available and it’s also on IG and FB as Fire and Ice Classic.

Bodysport: The organization you’re associated with is a natural organization. How would you describe the state of natural competitions and what changes or modifications if any would you like to see going forward?

Jenny: Well you don’t ask simple questions! 😀 😀 The state of it I’d say is too many cooks in the kitchen. 🙂 We have an abundance of different natural organizations with the heads of them not able to work together to benefit the natural athlete. I do happen to know that there are several promoters and heads of organizations who are trying to work together and I’m excited to see what comes of that.

Another thing is that despite the multitude of organizations we have very little exposure. Several times I have talked to or interacted with new competitors who had no idea there were any other organizations than the NPC. So I think we need more exposure, more awareness. Especially for younger people so that they understand that there is a way to become a bodybuilder without drugs. They need to know that (using drugs) is not the place to start.

Bodysport: If someone has never competed before but is considering giving it a try, is there any advice you would wish to offer to them?

Jenny: Spend time building muscle. Usually, for the first time, you don’t have as much muscle under the flab as you think you do (there are outliers of course). This is bodybuilding, not a 12-week transformation contest (yes, bikini class too, you are building your bodies). Understand that this takes time and just enjoy the journey.

Research organizations that have shows in your area. Go to a show and watch it from beginning to end so that you have an idea of what will happen. Start practicing posing as soon as you decide to compete, being able to properly display the package you’ve built can mean the difference between winning or not.

Research, there is so much information available out there. Get a coach if your budget allows it but if not there are so many resources out there right now that can give you good evidence-based information.

Enjoy the process, understand it will take time and it will be hard, but remember that you chose to do this.

Bodysport: As you look back on your fitness journey what thing or things do you know now that you wish you knew when you were starting out?

Jenny: It’s not that complicated and there are many different ways to get to where you want to go. There is no one right way. Be consistent and work hard.

Bodysport: Is there anyone you would like to thank or acknowledge who has been helpful to you throughout your life’s journey?

Jenny: There have been so many people supporting me throughout, my husband for always going along with any crazy idea I have. My family and close friends for always being supportive. These are given. But first off my friend Georg for showing me how weightlifting can change your body. Monica Brant for being my first fitness inspiration and continuing to be an inspiration as well as a friend today. 🙂 Marisol for helping me and supporting me through my first show. Everyone that encouraged me to become a trainer. My first gym boss since he was the only one in town that wanted to hire a pregnant newbie trainer with no experience. Randy for being my first mentor and to this day always the one to push me past my comfort zone. Sly and Herb for all the great teachings and support. The owners at my current gym for letting me make it my home away from home. All my clients for challenging me to be better and motivating me every day. I could go on but it would take up pages. If you helped me and supported me, I thank you.

Jenny’s Website:

@glacierbodies on Twitter & IG

Photos: Roger Lister – RWLister Photography

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